> One More Stamp: Book Review: The Inside of Out by Jenn Marie Thorne

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Book Review: The Inside of Out by Jenn Marie Thorne

The Inside of Out
by Jenn Marie Thorne
Goodreads Amazon
Series: no
Release date: May 31st, 2016
Rating: We all need this book

I was COMPLETELY DONE with this review and then Word died, the file became corrupt and all I was left with was a page with my name repeated over and over and over.  I am hoping that there isn’t a life metaphor in these events as it has been a pretty shitty couple of days.  (look at the date)

Anyway… let’s try this again shall we? Daisy is a sixteen-year-old whose best friend Hannah comes out to her the day before their senior year.  Daisy was to be supportive.  She also has the tact and subtly of a nuclear bomb.  And that bomb pretty much changes everything about how sees herself and the people around her.

I found the scenes where Daisy was avoiding driving or hanging out with Hannah and her new girlfriend especially relatable.  I am pretty sure that I would have acted the same way if my best friend started dating someone who has spent years bullying me.  I would have avoided them so hard that the awkwardness would have been visible from space

90% of Daisy’s problems seem to come from the fact that she cannot shut up.  She is like an extrovert on steroids. However, ridiculous her situation becomes her mouth seems to constantly be trying to one up her.  She is also pushed into other situations because she is comfortable with attention and others are not.  Several of the character in the book as her if she is doing any of this for attention.  She isn’t always sure but I didn’t see it that way.  The situation really stems from the fact that Daisy is trying desperately  to connect with her best friend who is becoming more and more distant.  The irony is that her actions are causing much of the distance which increases her desperation which increases the distance.  Vicious cycle.

Things that I liked:  I liked the casual diversity, Daisy’s parents (especially her gamer father), as well the way Thorne avoided being lazy and made her supporting characters multidimensional.  I like how she avoided cliché. I also enjoyed how lowkey her romantic relationship was.  I like that it was two people gradually becoming closer rather than a telenovela level of passion.  I wish that she has been in her senior year of high school and 17 or 18 rather than 16 because I wasn’t super comfortable with the age difference between her and Adam.  It didn’t seem creepy but two and half years is a huge gap when you are that young.

There are many excellent books about the LGBTQIA but not many touch this closely on allyship and how it can go terribly wrong even with the best of intentions.  The reader is left with the idea that to be an ally you have to listen to what people are saying rather than try to speak for them.  I think that we can all learn from that. Setting aside all the heavy thematic stuff, I found this book, funny, heartfelt, and an engaging read.

From Goodreads:

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